Sabtu, 07 November 2009

DRAMA B. INGGRIS (Richard)--u/ peran tanya irin!

Group :
Adinda Bani
Amelia Anggraini
Anisa Fadhillah
Anisa Zahra
Annisa Ovilia
Bewizta Maurilla
Danindra Andri
Fachrina Azura
Fizar Lazuardi
Iqbal Fahmi
M Arya Wirendra
M Naufal Haryobimo


Mr Hiram B. Otis was a rich American from New York. He had come to live and work in England, but he didn’t want to live in London. He didn’t want to live in the city. He wanted to live in the countryside outside London.
Canterville Chase was a large and very old house near London. Lord Canterville, the owner, wanted to sell it. So, Mr Hiram B. Otis visited Lord Cantervile.
Lord Canterville: “I do not live in Canterville Chase. I do not want to live there. The house has a ghost – The Canterville Ghost.”
Mr Otis: “I come from America, America is a modern country. I don’t believe in ghosts. Have you seen this Canterville ghost?”
Lord Canterville: “No, but I have heard it at night.”
Mr Otis: “I don’t believe in ghosts. No one has found a ghost. No one has put a ghost in a museum. And you haven’t seen this ghost either.”
Lord Canterville: “But several members of my family have seen it. My aunt saw the ghost. She was so frightened that she was ill for the rest of her life. Also, the servants have seen it so they will not stay in the house at night. Only the housekeeper, Mrs Umney, lives in Canterville Chase. Mrs Umney lives there alone.”
Mr Otis: “I want to buy the house. I’ll buy the ghost as well. Will you sell Canterville Chase? Will you sell the ghost?”
Lord Canterville: “Yes, I will. But, please remember, I told you about the ghost before you bought the house.”
Mr. Otis bought Canterville Chase. Then his family came to England from America. He had a wife called Lucretia, three sons and a daughter.
The eldest son, Washington, was almost twenty years old. His two young brothers were twins. They were twelve years old. The daughter, Virginia, was fifteen years old.
Mr. Otis took his family to live at Canterville Chase. The old house was in the countryside west of London.
Canterville Chase was big and old. Trees grew all around the house. The Otis family wanted to stop and look at the outside of the house, but the sky darkened. A thunderstorm was coming. Rain started to fall, so the family went inside the house quickly.
Mrs. Umney, the housekeeper, was waiting for them by the front door.
Mrs Umney: “Welcome to Canterville Chase. Would you like some tea?”
Mrs Otis: “Yes, please.”
The Otis family followed Mrs. Umney into the library. There was a red stain on the floor. The red stain was by the fireplace. (Mrs. Umney menaruh cangkir di meja)
Mrs. Otis: “What is this red stain?”
Mrs. Umney: “It is blood.”
Mrs. Otis: “I don’t want a blood-stain in my library. Please remove the stain. Please clean the floor immediately.”
Mrs. Umney: (tersenyum) “It is the blood of Lady Eleanore de Canterville. She was murdered by her husband, Sir Simon de Canterville, in 1575. The blood- stain has been here for over three hundred years. It cannot be removed.”
Washington: “Nonsense. I have some stain remover. It can remove any stain. Watch.” (mengambil pembersih, membersihkan noda)
Mrs. Umney looked at the floor. She was frightened. No one had removed the blood-stain for three hundred years.
Washington: “The remover can remove anything. The blood-stain has gone.” (Mrs. Umney pingsan. Mr. and Mrs. Otis menolongnya)
Mrs Otis: “Mrs. Umney! Mrs. Umney! Can you speak?”
Mrs. Umney: (buka mata)“Trouble will come to this house. I have seen the ghost. The ghost will come to you. You must not remove the blood-stain. The ghost will be angry.” (yang lain membantu Mrs. Umney berdiri. Kemudian Mrs. Umeny pergi)
Otis boys:”Let’s look for the ghost. Let’s look round the house.”
The Otises looked around the house together. But they didn’t see the Canterville Ghost.
That night the family went to bed early. Next morning they went into the library. The blood-stain had reappeared on the floor.
Washington: “I’ll remove this blood-stain once more. Mother doesn’t want a blood-stain in the library.”
He removed the blood-stain again. The library floor was clean. But the next morning the stain had come back again.
Mr.Otis: “This is very strange. I’ll lock the library door at night. No one come into the library. No one can put a stain on the floor. ”
Washington: “I don’t think the remover is bad. I think there really a ghost.”
Mr. Otis: “We must find this ghost. It must stop making these stains. ”
That day the family went out. They walked around the countryside near Canterville Chase.
It was late when they got back to the house. After eating supper they went to bed. The bedrooms were upstairs. There was a long corridor upstairs. The bedroom doors were along the corridor.
Mr. Otis woke up after midnight. There was a strange noise outside his room. (buka pintu, keluar sambil bawa botol.)
Mr. Otis: “My dear sir, your chains make a terrible noise. You must put some oil on those chains. Here is some oil from United States. Please put the oil on your chains.” (taruh botol di meja, kembali ke kamar.)
The Canterville Ghost was very surprised. He had lived in Canterville Chase for three hundred years. Everyone was frightened of him, because everyone was afraid of ghosts. But this American gentleman was not afraid. (hantu membuat suara mengerikan. Kembar keluar, melempar bantal ke hantu dan tertawa)
The ghost was amazed and upset. No one had laughed at him before. He was a ghost. Everyone is frightened of ghosts. No one ever laughed at the Canterville ghost before.
The Canterville Ghost did not know what to do. He disappeared through the wall and the house became quiet.
The ghost went to the secret room where he lived. He thought about what had happened. (pergi ke kamar, duduk di kursi)
He had frightened people for three hundred years. He had looked through windows and frightened the servants. He had knocked on bedroom doors. He had frightened people in their beds. Everyone had always been frightened. No one had given him oil to put on his chains. No one had thrown pillows at him. He was a very unhappy ghost.
Washington Otis removed the blood-stain in the library every day. Every morning the stain had reappeared. But the stain was no longer the colour of blood. One morning it was brown. Another morning it was purple. Then it became bright green.
The Otises laughed at the blood-stain. They looked for it every morning before breakfast.
Washington: “What colour is it today?”
The twins: “It’s green! It’s green blood today.” (semua tertawa kecuali Virginia.)
Virginia: “The stain has been here for three hundred years. We have been here for three weeks. The poor ghost puts the stain on the floor every night. Can’t you leave the stain there?”
The second appearance of the ghost was on Sunday night. The Otises had all gone to bed. Suddenly they were woken up. (keluar dari kamar, melihat hantu di dekat meja. Hantu menggosok-gosok lutut. Mr. Otis mengarahkan senjata kea rah hantu, kembar tertawa.)
The ghost was very angry. (berdiri, berteriak.kemudian lari ke atas, berhenti di atas tangga dan tertawa)
Mrs. Otis: “Are you in pain? I have a bottle of medicine. Please take it.” (hantu melihat ke arah Mrs. Otis dengan marah, kemudian menghilang)
The ghost stayed in his room during the day. He came out at night to visit the library. He repainted the blood-stain every night. And every morning, Washington removed the blood stain.
But the ghost had a problem. He had quickly finished all his red paint. Now his brown and purple paints were finished as well. So, sometimes he painted the blood-stain green, sometimes blue.
The ghost made plans. He wanted to frighten the Otis twins. He planned to visit the twins in the night.
He left his secret room at midnight. (berjalan, berhenti di depan pintu.terkejut,berteriak dan lari ke kamar.)
Before daylight came, he felt better. Were there two ghosts in the house? He must find out.
He went back upstairs and walked along the corridor towards the twins’ room. The second ghost was still there, but its eyes were no longer burning. He went up to it. It was not ghost at all. It was a head made from a large pumpkin. There was a card on the floor.
The twins had put the head in the corridor to frighten him. This made the ghost very angry. What could he do? He could think of nothing at that moment, so he went back to his room.
The ghost felt very weak and tired. He stayed in his room for five days. He did not repaint the blood-stain in the library.
After a week the ghost felt better. He decided to try once more to frighten the twins. He waited until the middle of the night.
(hantu berjalan pelan ke arah kamar.membuka pintu, tertimpa tepung, kembar tertawa.hantu berlari ke koridor. Washington keluar,si kembar berteriak “boo”. Washington tertawa. Hantu berlari ke kamarnya.)
The Otises did not see the ghost at night again. The twins waited for him. They put a rope across the corridor and tied metal tins to it. But the ghost did not walk into the tins. Only Mr. Otis came along the corridor. He fell over and was very angry. Virginia was also angry with the twins.
Virginia: “Can’t you leave the poor ghost alone? Why do you want to hurt him? Why do you want to play tricks on him? He has lived here for a very long time. Leave him alone.”
The twins did not listen, but the ghost heard Virginia’s words. It gave him hope.
One afternoon, Virginia went to the library. (membuka pintu, berjalan masuk. Melihat hantu sedang memandang ke jendela)
Virginia: “I feel very sorry for you. I’m sorry that my brothers were not very kind to you. But you did try to frighten them.”
Ghost: “Yes, I did. It’s my job to frighten everyone who comes to Canterville Chase.”
Virginia: “You are very wicked, I know. Mrs. Umney told us that you killed your wife.”
Ghost: “Yes, I did. But she wasn’t very kind. And it wasn’t very kind of her sister to starve me to death.”
Virginia: “Starve you to death? Oh, poor ghost, are you hungry? Would you like a sandwich?”
Ghost: “No, thank you. I never eat anything. But you are very kind. You are much kinder than the rest of your family. They are rude, nasty, and unkind.”
Virginia: “Stop! You are nasty an unkind too.”
Ghost: “Please don’t go, Miss Virginia. I am so lonely and so unhappy. I don’t know what to do. I want to go to sleep and I cannot.”
Virginia: “It’s easy to sleep. You go to bed and close your eyes.”
Ghost: “I haven’t sleep for three hundred years. I haven’t slept since I was murdered by my wife’s sister.”
Virginia: “Poor ghost. How can I help you to sleep?”
Ghost: “far away in the woods, there is a little garden. There are many flowers and trees. A nightingale sings all night long. The bird’s sweet song is beautiful and sad. The white stars and the pale moon look down on this little garden. It is very peaceful.”
Virginia: “You mean it is the Garden of Death.”
Ghost: “Yes, the Garden of Sleep. It is very beautiful. But only Love can open the door to the garden. For Love is stronger than Death. Have you read the writing on the library window?”
Virginia: “Yes, but I don’t understand it.”
Ghost: “Look. Read the lines on the window.”
Virginia: “When a golden girl weep, For the ghost that cannot sleep, Then the dead at last shall die, And in restful earth may lie.”
Ghost: “The words mean you must weep for me. Then the Angel of Death will let me rest. Will you help?”
Virginia: “What do I have to do?”
Ghost: “You must come with me into the darkness. You will see strange things. You will hear strange voices, but nothing will hurt you. You are good and kind. The dark cannot hurt you.”
Virginia: “I am not afraid. I will come with you into the dark.”
(berdua berjalan ke dinding, dinding terbuka)
Voice: “Go back, Virginia. Go back before it is too late.”

Virginia didn’t come for supper. Her family can’t find her. They looked everywhere but they couldn’t find her. Her family were very worried. They looked for her all day long.
It was midnight when the family decided to go to bed. They left the library and started to walk up the stairs together. Suddenly all the clocks in the house struck twelve and they heard a terrible noise. Strange music sounded inside the house and a door opened at the top of the stairs.
(Virginia muncul, melihat ke arah keluarga dengan muka pucat.)
Mr. Otis: “Where have you been? Your mother has been very worried. You have frightened us all. You must never play a trick like this again.”
The twins: “Except on the ghost. You can play tricks on the ghost”
Virginia: “Father, I have been with the ghost. He is dead and now he can rest. Ha gave me this box of beautiful jewels before he died.” (menunjukkan kotak)
Mr. Otis: “Where did you get this? Where have you been?”
Virginia: “Come. I’ll show you.” (berbalik ke pintu,yang lain mengikuti. Virginia membuka pintu.)
Beyond the door was a little room with a low ceiling. There was a coffin there.
Virginia: “This is the body of Sir Simon de Canterville. He murdered his wife in 1575. Then his wife’s sister shut him in this room. He was locked inside the coffin. Sir Simon starved to death. His ghost was in this house for three hundred years. But now he has found peace.” (yang lain melihat berkeliling, Virginia berlutut dan berdoa)
There was a funeral four nights later. The Otises buried the body of Sir Simon in a grave among the trees.
Virginia carried white flowers. She looked up at the stars and the pale moon and the dark trees. She remembered what the ghost had said about the garden of Death. A nightingale began to sing. The bird’s sweet song was beautiful and sad.
Virginia: “God has forgiven him for murdering his wife.”